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Dolores Huerta: Sí Se Puede!

Por Radio Bilingue
Publicado 11 abril, 2022

Monday_673x324LUNES 11 DE ABRIL
PROGRAMA # 9588 12:00 PM (hora del Pacífico)

Dolores Huerta: Sí Se Puede!

Legendary labor and civil rights champion Dolores Huerta turns 92. In this conversation, she reflects on her life journey, since her early childhood in New Mexico, to teaching farmworkers’ children in California, to becoming a lifetime community organizer and worldwide known social justice activist. Dolores talks about her core values, interests, influences and challenges, and her moments of greatest joy and deepest grief. The program includes popular ballads on Dolores and a segment of an interview from Línea Abierta’s archives originally aired on March 17, 1995, where Dolores reminisces about the historic farmworker march from Delano to Sacramento.

Guest: Dolores Huerta, Founder and President, Dolores Huerta Foundation, Presidential Medal of Freedom, Bakersfield, CA.

Foto: Dolores Huerta Foundation

Para más información sobre Línea Abierta haga clic aquí

Para visitar los archivos de audio de Línea Abierta, vaya a archivosderb.org

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