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Helping Students to Pay for College Costs. Also, Children Trauma in Uvalde.

By Radio Bilingue
Published September 22, 2022

PROGRAM # 9754 12:00 PM PT

Helping Students to Pay for College Costs.

Latino students attending community colleges face a number of pressures, including the soaring costs of living. As they struggle, community college leaders reach out to inform on recent changes to financial aid programs, including changes to Cal Grant and more support for full-time students to help them pay for the costs of college.

Guest: Dr. Daisy Gonzáles, Interim Chancellor, California Community Colleges, Sacramento, CA.

Children Trauma in Uvalde. Students in Uvalde are going back to school for the first time since the massacre at Robb Elementary. Many survivors show PTSD symptoms but help is hard to access: there is only one mental health center in the area to treat traumatized children. Inadequate funding for schools and education in Uvalde and the state’s poorest communities is also a big issue.

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