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Gun Violence among Latinos. Also, Parents Angered Over Texas DNA Kits.

By Radio Bilingue
Published October 27, 2022

PROGRAM # 9800 12:00 PM PT


Gun Violence among Latinos.

Gun violence in the Latino community has increased exponentially compared to the rest of the nation. This is the leading cause of death among young Latinos. An expert discusses the costs of gun violence in the Latino community and the gun policies that are being crafted to bring safety to the ravaged communities.

Guest: Former Congresswoman Debbie Mucarsel-Powell, Senior Advisor, Giffords Gun Violence Prevention Center, Miami, FL.

Parents Angered Over Texas DNA Kits. After the mass shooting in Uvalde, Texas schools are sending parents DNA kits to identify their kids’ bodies in case of an emergency. Parents are questioning the kits and the meaning of the action.

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