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Extra Edition: Bilingual Anti Covid “Chatbot.” (Repeat)

By Radio Bilingue
Published February 07, 2023

Tuesday_673x324 11am

PROGRAM # 9908 11:00 AM PT

Extra Edition: Bilingual Anti Covid “Chatbot.” (Repeat)

California health officials are fighting COVID-19 misinformation with a new Spanish-speaking health chatbot on the WhatsApp messaging platform. The “chat bot,” which is a digital assistant that allows the agency to communicate with people without live website service representatives, is also providing tips to stay healthy during Covid . Also, to simplify vaccination against Covid, the FDA is proposing annual one-dose shots. Under the new approach, most people would be advised to simply get whatever the latest version of the vaccine is annually each fall like the flu vaccine. This program includes analysis on the latest findings on long Covid, its effects on people with chronic conditions, and the new variants.

Guests: Yurina Melara, Press Secretary, California Governor’s Office of Planning and Research, Sacramento, CA; Dr. Juanita Mora, Immunologist, Allergist, Chicago Allergy Center, National Spokesperson for the American Lung Association, Chicago, IL.

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