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Celebra este 4 de julio cocinando con seguridad

Por Radio Bilingüe
Publicado 04 julio, 2024

This time we will talk about how to celebrate this 4th of July safely in the kitchen or outdoors if you decide to grill meat, for this the Food Safety and Inspection Service of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) gives us tips for us to enjoy this 4th of July, taking into account that it is in the middle of summer, the hottest time of the year, and with more risk of food poisoning.

This 4th of July Independence Day, in addition to fireworks, food is the central element of the festivities. Whether you choose to grill burgers or slow-cook ribs on the barbecue, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Food Safety and Inspection Service reminds us all that it is important to take proper food safety precautions during food preparation.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that foodborne illnesses result in approximately 48 million ill people, 128,000 hospitalizations and 3,000 deaths in the United States annually.

Officials note that unfortunately, foodborne illness rates tend to increase during the summer months. Both experienced grill masters and first-time grillers should keep a few food safety steps in mind.

That’s why the USDA, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Food Safety and Inspection Service, seeks to raise awareness about the risks of food poisoning from spoiled food and encourage the public to practice safe food handling habits.

Here we remind you of some steps for food safety, the first thing we recommend is to clean kitchen surfaces, utensils and your hands with soap and water to be ready to start preparing food.

It is very important to separate raw meats from other foods by using different cutting boards.

Another recommendation is to cook foods to the correct temperature using a thermometer and to refrigerate raw and prepared foods immediately.

In the excitement of organizing this 4th of July celebration, we may miss small details that could spoil our celebration.

That’s why the USDA, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Food Safety and Inspection Service, wants to make sure everyone follows these food safety tips when roasting meat, vegetables, chiles cuaresmeños or chiles güeros stuffed with cheese.

Zucchini, chilacayote, onions, carrots and nopales should be well cooked.

Chorizo sausage and even cheese are a must, as well as hamburgers or portobello mushrooms for those who do not eat meat.

Fourth of July celebrations also have a touch of our cuisine such as salsa and tortilla chips, guacamole. All of this should have the same care in handling and preservation.

It is relevant that, if you decide to travel for these independence celebrations, before starting a road trip, a camping adventure or a boat trip, do not forget to take with you common sense tips on food safety. You will also need a good cooler.

Remember, don’t leave food unrefrigerated for more than an hour during temperatures of 90˚F or higher. And throw away food that has been out for more than two hours; after only one hour under temperatures over 90˚F.

Also, on this important date, many young people get together and in many cases it is their first time being in charge of the food, so it is important not to forget some tips.

Remind them to bring a good cooler to keep the food in and when the barbecue is over, they should keep and close the leftover food in containers and bags, so that they can eat it safely afterwards.

And as I say, many young people are starting to cook for themselves for the first time and food safety is not always a concern for them.

So don’t forget, enjoy this 4th of July Independence Day in the company of your loved ones and friends, but also take care of yourself and your loved ones, trying to be careful when cooking for this celebration.

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