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Edición Semanaria (Weekly Edition)

Por Radio Bilingüe
Publicado 25 julio, 2023

Political Path of the U.S. Hangs on Four States – With the midterm elections just days away, polls show that Nevada, Pennsylvania, Arizona, and Georgia could define not only which party controls the Senate, but also the governorships and the balance of power ahead of the 2024 presidential election. According to polls, while Latino support for Democrats is now higher than ever, in some states, that support has been eroding, causing some campaigns to ramp up their appeals to this electorate in their closing events. José López Zamorano brings us the details from Washington.

Spanish-language Misinformation Campaign Aimed at Swing State Voters – In Georgia, as in other critical states, a dirty war of disinformation has emerged ahead of the mid-term elections. Just days before Election Day, a Spanish-language campaign targeting Latino voters circulated in that southern state with messages full of transphobic myths. Gerardo Guzmán reports on who is behind this toxic strategy and how Latinos have embraced early voting, exceeding expectations for turnout despite the confusion.

Young Dreamers Drive Latino Electoral Enthusiasm in Arizona – The crucial races in Arizona for the U.S. Senate and the governor’s office are at a virtual tie on the eve of the election. The Latino vote is widely seen as the key vote, and groups of young activist “Dreamers” are out in the neighborhoods encouraging undecided voters to head to the polls. Maritza Felix reports from Phoenix.

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